Friday, July 20, 2007

ProGolf - Chipping Tips

ProGolf - Chipping Tips: "Chipping Tips

Chipping is also another important method that allows golfers to perfect their overall techniques. Chipping allows you to become an expert golfer like any other professional golfer. Here are some tips and techniques to perfect your chipping techniques:

How do I Chip:

1. Bring your feet close together about a foot apart. 2. Gently shift your weight to your forward foot or the left foot for right handed golfer and right foot for the left handed golfer. 3. You must be able to lift your back foot right off the ground. 4. Now take a breath and keep your hands ahead of the ball. 5. Make a short back stroke and follow through. 6. Never move your legs and upper body during the practice. Just move your arms and shoulders 7. Never break your wrists while chipping as it will cause 'skul' of ball, subsequently resulting in little lifting of ball.

Which club do I use?

1. For an accurate chipping, you need to make the ball roll down the green, rather than fly it though the air. 2. Choosing a correct golf club will make things easier for you. For pitching wedge clubs, the ball will roll one foot for every foot of the club. 3. 9 Iron - for every foot in the air it will roll approximately 2 feet. 4. 8 Iron - for every foot in the air it will roll approximately 3 feet. 5. 7 Iron - for every foot in the air it will roll approximately 4 feet.

As an example, let us say you're just 4 feet off the edge of the green and the pin 4 feet away. Now, you must choose a pitching wedge for chipping. Attempt to make the ball land past the fringe on the edge of the green, and make the ball roll sweetly the rest of the way to the pin. The proper selection of the gold club depends on speed of the green and on the gradient of the green.

How do I create my chipping drill?

1. When chipping the ball, you must get the ball in air, just past the edge of the green and make it roll the rest of the way to the pin. 2. Practice controlling the distance by setting up a target in your backyard. Now start landing the ball on the target initially from about 3 feet. 3. When you make 5 balls in a row land on your target, move back 1 foot and start again.

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