Friday, July 18, 2008

Espresso, Extra Bitter -

Espresso, Extra Bitter -

This may be the best free publicity you could ever ask for. An argument between a barista (fancy word for a coffee server) and a customer makes national headlines. We're not talking about a big coffee shop like Starbucks, but a small, local, mom and pop store. This coffee shop is actually owned by Nicholas Cho. Here are the policies at his store:
"No modifications to the Classic Cappuccino. No questions will be answered about the $5 Hot Chocolate (during the months we offer it). No espresso in a to-go cup. No espresso over ice. These are our policies. We have our reasons, and we're happy to share them."
The policy in question is "No espresso over ice." A customer comes in and asks for his espresso over ice and the barista says no. "It's against company policy." An argument ensues and the rest is history.

Let me throw something out there. What if this was all a setup by the Murky Coffee owner? What if this is a great publicity stunt? Could someone have planned this out to create publicity for a small coffee shop that is surrounded by the behemoths like Starbucks? I don't know but I do know that the buzz generated by this incident put Murky Coffee on the map.

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